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The latest from our world of transformation


  • Posted by wpadmin
  • On November 14, 2018
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The A.I. Fashion Stylist
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Our Seed Investment in Intelistyle: The A.I. Fashion Stylist

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On November 13, 2018
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We are excited to lead the $600K Seed round into London-based Intelistyle, the Artificial Intelligence fashion stylist. Intelistyle provides A.I. styling solutions to fashion retailers, helping them address the needs of the 1 in 2 people that are looking for styling advice at their favourite retail locations online or in-store. Intelistyle’s product allows retailers to […]
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7 must-haves to get your tech start-up funded

  • Posted by Myrto Papathanou
  • On November 6, 2018
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There are many reasons why we choose to invest in some companies, which reflect our way of thinking and expectations. Below are some must-haves which will help you secure funding from us: 1. Committed and Determined Founders It’s not uncommon for us to get submissions for early stage funding from teams that don’t have a […]
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What is Metavallon VC?

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On November 1, 2018
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We are a Venture Capital fund based in Athens, investing in early stage technology startups with a strong innovation element and connection to Greece. We started with Fund I in 2018 and are currently investing out of Fund II. We provide Seed and Seed+ funding of € 0.5m – 1.5m, as well as hands on […]
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What do Seed and Seed+ Investment mean?

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On November 1, 2018
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The terms Seed and Seed+ are widely used to refer to stages of startup development and investment. There is hardly an objective definition, and depending on the market, each fund may define it slightly differently. For us, the two stages relate to tickets of € 0.5 – € 1.5m in rounds of € 1-4m. Seed […]
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How do I know I qualify for Seed or Seed+ investment?

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On October 30, 2018
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At Seed stage, we aim to fund experienced technology entrepreneurs, who have a proven track in business management and achievement and whose product is launched and showing commercial traction in their target market. Hence minimum requirements are the founder’s experience and a strong market pull for their offering. The later can vary according to the […]
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Our second Pre-Seed Investment Call for investment up to €200K is now open. Our Seed investment evaluations are ongoing and open throughout the year.

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On October 29, 2018
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At Metavallon VC we are excited to announce our second Pre-Seed Investment Call, which is now open with a submission cut-off date on November 25th. You can submit your proposal via our website here. The first Pre seed investment cycle was finalized in H1 2018 and saw our first investments on Speen, Useberry, Racecheck and […]
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How much investment do you provide?

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On October 28, 2018
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We provide tickets of € 500k to € 1.5m at Seed and Seed+ Stage. We also follow on invest in our portfolio companies’ next funding rounds, up to € 4m.
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What kind of startups do you invest in?

  • Posted by Metavallon VC Team
  • On October 27, 2018
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The best way to find out is to have a look at our portfolio. We are sector agnostic and invest across technologies and industries, with a focus on B2B and Deep Tech. We are particularly keen on high-growth future-setting industries, including Fintech, Energy, Manufacturing and Cybersecurity, and working on state-of-the-art exponential technologies, such as Machine […]
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