Team Video Guidelines

The purpose of the video is to introduce yourselves, ALL members of the founding team, and to tell us about your role in the team and what you are passionate about.

Here is a quick set of guidelines to make the most of your team video submission:

  1. First and foremost, include all founders in the video and allow airtime for each to present themselves; the team is our number one investment criterion.
  2. If you are physically located in different places, you can use a video-conferencing tool such as Skype or Google Hangouts to record a video with all the members of your team.
  3. This video is about you, so no promos from your product or fancy video editing. Do not include anything else (such as screenshots or pictures) apart from yourselves talking.
  4. Explain what you are doing within the business and why you are doing it. Any information that you would like to tell us about your project or yourselves is absolutely accepted.
  5. Keep it simple, without music in the background or intricate screenplays – we are not looking for the best video production. Try to talk spontaneously and do not deliver a memorized speech as you will look fake! Just talk as you would talk to a friend.
  6. The video should be one minute long and then uploaded to YouTube. Do not make it private or protect it by password as we will not be able to see it. If you don’t want other people to find it, mark it as unlisted.
  7. And yes, it should be in English.


Remember: Keep it as simple and as natural as you can!